“Can you please make it more obvious which messages are unread?” – You asked and we listened!

Our inbox has been through a lovely new refresh to make it more obvious which messages are unread and which messages in your inbox are from premium members. Don’t forget you can reply to all messages from premium members for FREE even if you aren’t a paying member! To spot those unread messages there is now a blue unread icon, making it quick and easy to find and reply to your unread messages.

After spending some time on our inbox it was hard not to update the message thread. We have a much more modern look and feel with a similar style to many current messaging apps. You can now also see emojis from members who send messages through our app!

If you haven’t already, be sure to check out your NEW inbox.

Do you have any suggestions on areas you think could help make your experience better?

Why not drop us an email to [email protected] and we will do our best to make your experience better! 🙂
