“It is crazy how one interaction on AsianD8 led to the most amazing thing happening to both of us. We could not be more grateful for the existence of this platform! “
The success stories keep on coming! In this entertaining interview we find out how Jas met Mandy on AsianD8 after he had only been a member for just two few weeks!
What made you join our Asian Dating site?
Jas: Everyone was on my back about getting older and settling down, all my younger cousins were getting married so it became the mission of the family to get me to settle down. A cousin, who had found her husband on AsianD8 recommended the site to me. Reluctantly, as I have never been a fan of Asian online dating, I still gave it a try. I thought it would relieve some pressure from the family and if I did happen to meet someone, as unlikely as I thought this was, it would be a bonus.
Mandy: Quite the opposite for me, I had decided I was ready to settle down, I’d stabilised my career and finished my masters, so it was time for me to now think about the next chapter of my life. Being able to share milestones in my life with my partner is a big thing to me and being able to see the world, experience new things with a life partner is what most of us dream of, but to agree with Jas, I didn’t think I would find this on an Asian dating platfrom. However, I too, was recommended to AsianD8 by my best friend who found her husband on the site too and I’m glad I took on that recommendation!
I, too, was recommended to the website from my best friend who found her husband on the site too and I’m glad I took on that recommendation!– Mandy
What has gone on since?
Jas: We recently attended a friends destination wedding at which point I proposed with a serene beach view and she said yes! We have had our Indian engagement and have booked our big Indian wedding for July 2019, so you can imagine the stress levels in terms of planning (especially guest lists) right now!
Mandy: Yes our wedding is booked, the proposal was unexpected yet beautiful, could not have asked for anything better. We were lucky enough to celebrate our engagement with our nearest and dearest.
Do you remember your first interaction on AsianD8?
Jas: Mandy was my first interaction and last! The site was really easy to use and the details on the bio of the other person allows easy conversation starters. In my case, it was a good one!
Mandy: Well, my first interaction was with another user, after a few messages back and forth, it was clear we weren’t compatible but I like how the messaging platform is safe in the sense you don’t have to exchange personal details before you figure out if someone is compatible or not.
Jas sent me a message which stood out from the usual “hi how are you” “ what you up to” kind of messages, he sent me a message telling me 3 things about himself and asked if I could do the same. I found this quirky and different!– Mandy
How long were you on AsianD8 until you met each other?
Jas: Actively, just a couple of weeks. I had it before but I didn’t activate full membership as I was not ready to settle down due to my career and studies at the time. So as a full paying member, a couple of weeks later I found the love of my life!
Mandy: I had been on and off for around a year before Jas and I met. I tried out shaadi too but the layout of the site and the complexity made it too technical and uneasy to use.
…as a full paying member, a couple of weeks later I found the love of my life!– Jas

What was your first date?
Jas: So this is where I ended up in a bit of trouble… I forgot Mandy was a vegetarian (even though it was on her profile and she mentioned it 500 times!). I took her to Nandos and to make matters worse, they had run out of their beanie burger vegetarian option that day so whilst I sat with my half chicken and chicken wings, she sat with a mushroom and some fries. BUT, I believe I made it up to her henceforth!
Mandy: Yes it wasn’t the best footing to start off on but he did make it up to me right after Nandos by taking me to a lovely french bakery for dessert and since our first date he has also learnt to cook a handful of my favourite vegetarian dishes so I can safely say he has redeemed himself and we have not been back to Nandos since!
…I forgot Mandy was a vegetarian…I took her to Nandos and to make matters worse, they had run out of their beanie burger vegetation option that day so whilst I sat with my half chicken and chicken wings, she sat with a mushroom and some fries.– Jas
What’s one thing you like about each other most?
Jas: I like how in some senses we are so opposite that it works so well, for example, I am quite short tempered and I used to have no patience at all, especially in traffic and road rage but Mandy being cool tempered and very patient has helped me adapt and helped me see situations from a fresh approach that I would have never been able to see myself, she truly does make me a better man.
Mandy: The first thing that made me even go on a date with Jas is that I find him hilarious! There is nothing better than humour and even to this day, no matter how bad my mood can get or how upset I have been, he has never failed to make me laugh. He uses it to his advantage but his humour is definitely the thing I like the most about him. Plus, he makes really good chocolate cake.
There is nothing better than humour and even to this day, no matter how bad my mood can get or how upset I have been, he has never failed to make me laugh.– Mandy

What’s in store for the future?
Jas: Alongside the wedding, I am in the midst of planning the 3 week long honeymoon for the latter end of summer which is being kept a surprise! In the mean time I’ve converted Mandy into a loyal Chelsea FC fan, she has her own shirt now too! It is crazy how one interaction on AsianD8 led to the most amazing thing happening to both of us. We could not be more grateful for the existence of this platform!
Mandy: Unfortunately, along with this man comes his love for football so I am having to watch almost every single game! We have since bought a lovely little house which will be complete for our married life together, We have travelled a fair bit, Jas has taught me how to ride a bike and swim, something I have feared since being a child, and I have since taught him how to properly fold laundry and how to dance (in preparation for the big day of course!).
Congratulations to Jas and Mandy, thanks for sharing and we wish you all the best for the future. xx
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