At AsianD8 we strive to help individuals meet their soulmate. As hard as this can feel sometimes, when it does happen it gives us a huge sense of pride and shows you should never lose hope of finding the one.

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Sapana and Vikrant met just over a year ago and have never looked back, here’s their story told by Sapana.

“It was 31st March 2018, when Vikrant and I met for the very first time at the AsianD8 speed dating lock and key event. When the speed dating had finished we had a chance to mingle and I remember Vikrant coming up to me with the set of master keys, adamant to unlock my padlock. Such a charmer!

We exchanged numbers on the night and shortly after became friends. For us it was important that friendship came first and that we did not blindly rush into anything.

As the weeks went by we enjoyed some of the most memorable dates which then in June 2018, finally lead us to become a couple.

This year has been full of laughs, wind ups and so much happiness, thank you AsianD8 for finding me my soul mate.”

Congratulations to Sapana and Vikrant, thanks for sharing and we wish you all the best for the future. xx

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Do you have a story you would like to share? Send it to [email protected].
